Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Another great quote..about sheep

Here's another cool quote from that book I mentioned in the last post: 'Show me a long-term couple who's never had a fight and I'll show you two sheep.' Haha, so true. We watched a great therapy session last night by Dr. Thomas Hardy and in it he remarked that when we minimize our differences or feelings in order to 'keep the peace' we sacrifice intimacy. Don't ever sacrifice who you are in order to fit what you think someone else's expectations of you are. It will never work out. Sooner or later they'll find out you aren't being authentic and it'll create an even bigger issue. Be honest, but not unreasonable. Listen to what your partner has to say and try to see it from their perspective. Exploring things through discussion is healthy. Just don't scream or call your partner names. Remember that it is possible to fight in a healthy way. And apologize when you know you've overstepped boundaries.