Sunday, September 4, 2011

Little things

I don't self-disclose a lot in this blog because I want it to be more about how to keep a relationship alive, not how I keep MY relationship going. Every couple is different. They all have their own magic chemistry 'thing' that keeps the fire burning when the days of sexy black lingerie has given way to leopard print Snuggies. That having been said, I did want to share a special moment that I truly believe is what keeps me feeling so in love with my bf after almost 5 years. I was standing in the kitchen today making myself an avocado and egg open-faced sandwich on wheat bread (which is delicious by the way, you gotta try it) and he came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a kiss. He then told me he was there for me, in his own words. It was simple, short, but meaningful. It's little gestures like these that keep love alive. Because quick pecks and hugs are great- most of the time. You need those wonderful tiny moments of connection to remind you why you're grateful to have love in your life. Especially when you're cleaning their hair out of the sink or picking up their dirty clothes for the hundredth time. Those meaningful looks, kisses, hugs, words (along with regular sex) remind each other that being in a relationship is work but it's also a privilege- not a right. Be grateful for your partner, and they'll be grateful for you.