Monday, August 29, 2011

One Day

I recently saw the Anne Hathaway movie "One Day." I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it and want to in the future, but I will share with you the lesson I took away from that movie: Life is fragile. Enjoy the moments you have with the person you love. All the stupid stuff (like how he never manages to put his clothes in the hamper even though it's two feet away) is really pointless compared to loving, kissing, and laughing with the one who makes you feel alive. Those who are lucky enough to have found someone to love who loves them back- cherish that, be grateful for that, and remember to tell your love each and every day how much you love them. Because the only guarantee in life is that things will change.

PS: For the single guys and gals out there, I want you to know that just because you're single doesn't mean life is trivial. It may just mean that you haven't met "the one" yet, or it may be that you're having too much fun to worry about settling down. Every part of our life has a stage, and you may be in the single phase now- that's okay. Just remember to be open to meeting different types of people and the world will open up to you. Love your friends, family, pets, etc. while you can. That's what life is all about.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I am single now but am happy for my evenings of streaming trashy TV on Netflix and cuddling with my kitty. It won't last forever!! haaaha
